Posts Tagged ‘Baek Ji Young’


090920 KBS Open Concert


I’m only postin like one because I’m super busy right now ! But uh this was pre recorded on September 8th

Credit: CodeMonmonSeason4 @ youtube

Sorry if this upsets you or anything but I thought this was new so I decided to watch it. This was the day Jay left Korea to go back home so as you can tell – Taec doesn’t look too happy. He can try all he wants but everyone knows what’s up. He’s not the usual beast and his voice is not his best. I would totally not want to be there if my best friend was leaving.


090917 M! Countdown


I don’t think I ever saw Epik High perform since they were like in the States for quite a while but they had their comeback today. ;) We also had a new girl group, HAM debuting (seriously, who comes up with the names?)

Sadly, it was Taec’s last stage for a while. I can’t believe it =/

Credit: urasiansourcekpop @ youtube

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090911 Music Bank


I like the performances this week as well. I think most of the stars are going soon? and bringing in the new groups and stuff as well. F(X)’s DEBUT STAGE WAS ONNNN AS WELL, REALLY EXCITED TO WATCH IT HEHEHEHEHEEHEHE. (Yes I recap while I watch if you haven’t known that only because I don’t remember what I wanna say once I end the video)

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090910 M! Countdown


Aw we have a guy’s comeback; I saw him on Pops In Seoul and he seemed very funny ! He was part of Paran. Can you guess who now?  haha RYAN. He sounds fluent in english too, strange how he looks awfully familiar. i’ll have to stalk him more to see.

A lot of collabs this week too. I nearly forgot that there was Mnet today.

Ryan –  I love his voice omgg, he sounds so good live. It’s different from other guys, sorta like really deep manly but it’s soooo good. He holds the notes so well, dude my new fave crush. Watch out :) I like the background too, although the dancers looked random to me, like I hate how sometimes there’s only 2 guys who dance..looks lonely.

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